Buckley Design and Support is a company that offers solutions to all your graphic design and technical support needs. We are a small office that specializes in working with small to medium businesses and on building one-on-one relationships. Our reasonable rates and commitment to service make us the ideal choice for your needs. Located in the Dog Town neighborhood of St. Louis City between I44 and I-64/US40 we are a short drive from virtually everywhere in the greater St. Louis area.
Buckley Design and Support is a company that offers solutions to all your graphic design and technical support needs. We are a small office that specializes in working with small to medium businesses and on building one-on-one relationships. Our reasonable rates and commitment to service make us the ideal choice for your needs. Located in the Dog Town neighborhood of St. Louis City between I44 and I-64/US40 we are a short drive from virtually everywhere in the greater St. Louis area.
If you need something as simple as a mailer or as complex as a website we have you covered. With experience in both digital and print media we can handle anything you throw at us. |
If you have a virus, a broken drive, or just can't connect to the Internet we can fix it. We work on both hardware and software. We can do house calls as well. |